Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Curse and a Blessing: Case Study

We drove off toward a different supermarket. I kept trying to shake the anger I felt at the man. I tried blessing him, and praying to God. I could almost feel calm and compassionate. But yet I could perceive ragged gashes(wounds) in my aura, and guessed I still had bits of black psychic debris stuck all over me like the remnants of shrapnel. Also, red traffic lights were bringing me close to rage (unusual for me), so I knew I was inwardly still hurt and upset. (The traffic stops were particularly galling, for they made me think: why did we have to go out of our way to rectify the store's mistake, anyway?)

I realized it would help to vent some frustrations at someone, but there wasn't any appropriate person around ... and I am not yet good enough at perceiving God to vent at God and have that suffice.

How vast the gulf between curses and blessings. How much curses hurt; how much they encourage more anger and bitterness and hatred. They tear and rend and destroy: even the littlest curses, like the one in this story. Those who cannot perceive curses clearly may not see their terrible effects, but from all I have seen, they are born of darkness and spread darkness, and are a stumbling block to all.

And how powerful a blessing is, that can destroy the curse, heal over the hurt, and teach at the same time. How magnificent; how much does it spread joy and peace to others! Blessings build up and strengthen and increase understanding and sympathy: even little ones, like the ones in this story. Those who cannot perceive blessings clearly may not see their wonderful effects, but from all I have seen, they are born of Light and bring Light, and are of benefit to all.

...And finally, God can turn curses into blessings, though not always will the timeframe be so convenient....

God, I pray that I may cease cursing others, intentionally or not, and that I may instead become a source of blessings, big and small.
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