Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Hauntings of Diplomat Hotel Philippines

From: HypeSeek@AsiaParanormal

The Diplomat Hotel on Dominican Hill, Baguio City, Philippines is famous for being haunted by headless apparitions amongst other things. There were some visitors of the hotel claiming to saw headless figures carrying a platter with their severed damaged head on it, walking along the corridors wailing for justices. The abandoned hotel was the heaven for the paranormal and ghost hunters.

The building was once the seminary Collegio Del Santissimo. The seminary was closed in 1917 due to poor enrolment figures. When during WWII, the seminary was used as a refugee camp. The Japanese run over the seminary and decapitated almost every clergy in the building. These murders were rumored to take place at the ground and second floor of the building. Many other refugees were also killed by the bombing of the seminary during the Japanese invasion.

It is rumored that the Japanese drowned childrens in this fountain.
Diplomat Hotel
Picture is (C) copyright to TriggerSQ

The building were restored after the war and bought over by Diplomat Hotel Inc. in 1973 and converted the building into an enterprising hotel. The hotel is made up of 33 bedrooms with a lot of architectural features remained intact to preserve the historical values of the building.

When Tony Agpaoa, a major shareholder and General Manager of the Diplomat Hotel died in 1987, the hotel was also closed down. Since then, visitors, ghost hunters and neighbors had reported sightings of a headless priest roaming around the corridors of the hotel. It was rumored to be Father Rogue Ruano, who was in charge of Collegio Del Santissimo.
The building were left abandoned for two decades until 2009, where there is rumored that authority is bringing it back as a historical museum.

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