Friday, December 18, 2009

Hotel in Guangzhou, China haunted

By: Spooky Corner

Author’s Note : This is a story told by my colleague who’s boyfriend, Jim, went to stay in a haunted hotel in Guangzhou but never stumbled upon anything unusual.

My boyfriend, Jim, always needed to travel up to Guangzhou, China for business purposes along with some ladies in the same department. Each time they would stay in the same hotel and co-incidentally, each time my boyfriend would stay in the same room. Jim had been traveling and staying in the hotel for some 2 years but nothing unusual happened.

About 2 trips ago, Jim had to bring along an additional male colleague, Fred, who happened to be his first time travelling to Guangzhou. Since Fred’s mum happened to work in the temple, she gave Fred a charm for protection and safe journey. Upon arriving at Guangzhou’s hotel, Jim as usual was checked into the same room as the previous times together with Fred in the same room. The girls on the other hand was staying at the next door.

As soon as Jim and Fred reached their hotel room, they unpacked and got ready for work. To Jim’s surprise, Fred took out his 8 feet by 8 feet length charm and laid it on his bed. Jim asked Fred about it but Fred just explained that it was for protection purposes and did not divulge further. That night after work, both continued their work on their laptops and typed away in silence. It was about 7pm when the light suddenly flickered. Fred started to panic and asked Jim to get the room service to check out the lights but room services could not find out why the lights in the room were flickering.

All along, the lights flickered like the fireflies for sometimes and it happened on and off. As sudden as it started, it stopped. Jim and Fred ignored and continue working until around supper time. Everyone was a little hungry and decided to head off for some supper. The girls and guys had a quick supper and head back to the hotel. However, Jim and the girls thought about a quick beer session at the bar and off they went. Fred was pretty tired and told everyone else he would head back to the hotel room first.

After about an hour, Jim and the girls came back, they were shock to find Fred sitting at the corridor waiting for them. It was not until that Jim had came back that Fred was willing to take a quick shower and went to bed. Jim didn’t query much about his colleague’s peculiar behaviour.
Click here to read full article

1 comment:

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