Monday, November 30, 2009

Kampong Paranormal

Remembering the old traditional kampong days are the greatest memories of the ancient times of my life that stays forever. Kampong Villages (traditional wooden homes) were situated at Upper Bukit Timah (used to call ‘88’ in old times) after Beauty World Plaza further up the road which linked to the forests.

If you have doubts, you may ask some old people who stayed there to verify the road name. Bukit Timah has a long history culture among old people living there just like my beloved grandma & grandpa in wooden houses (Kampong). They were origins from China. My grandpa passed away at the age of 45 after my great-grandma’s death.

I heard from my mother and an aunt that my great-grandma had taken her son (grandpa) along with her to the neitherworld because she loved her son most. So my grandma was living alone with all her 20 children and grandchildren in her huge kampong houses situated at Upper Bukit Timah Road.

Some of her children were stayed at ‘attap’ houses in the kampong in Jurong. One of my aunts’ roadside stall used to sell fish ball/prawn noodles (60 to 80 cents in old times) near their kampong houses. At the steep slope, we planted and owned some rambutan and durian trees at our backyard of kampong houses.

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