Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Five men seeking a ghost’s wife and son

KUALA LUMPUR: Five men have taken out advertisements in three Chinese dailies seeking a dead man’s wife and son.

They claim the ghost of the dead man wanted the wife and son found.

In their quest, the five also turned to Datuk Michael Chong, often called on to help in cases involving violent Ah Longs, missing spouses, Internet scams and vengeful partners, to help them with their supernatural problem.

At a press conference called by the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head, the five men said their problems began when they visited Cambodia earlier this month where the “haunting” started.

They had checked into a hotel room on a floor that a masseuse had warned them was “dirty.”

Teow Hsium Choon, 36, a factory worker, said two of the five then made crass jokes about ghosts in their hotel room.

“I felt a great sense of unease almost immediately, as though there were many angry spirits surrounding me,” Teow claimed, adding that he was possessed twice within four hours.

His friend Ding Hon Sai, 38, said he panicked when he saw Teow going into a seizure the same night, when they were in a pub.

Five men seeking a ghost’s wife and son

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