Saturday, December 19, 2009

Handcuffed Statue Has the Experts Talking


A handcuffed statue of a revered woman who exists only in Burma’s spirit world is at the center of debate and speculation among even the country’s intellectual elite.

Picture is (C) copyright to The Irrawaddy

“It is very interesting and mysterious story,” said Khin Maung Kyi, a writer on cultural affairs.

He and an increasing number of others interested in occult practices in Burma are following the story of a statue in Rangoon’s Bo Ta Htaung Pagoda which is handcuffed every night between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

“It is a sign of superstition,” said Khin Maung Kyi. “So we need to watch and observe it.”

The statue is of a prominent nat, or spirit, named Mya Nan Nwe and revered for the good deeds she is said to perform in the name of Buddhism. It is believed that she can transform herself into a beautiful girl and that she is the guardian of a treasure trove that she uses to build pagodas and other religious buildings.

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