Friday, December 18, 2009

Haunting in Manila Film Center Philippines

From: HypeSeek@AsiaParanormal

The Manila Film Center is believed to be the tomb of at least 169 workers. It is reported to be haunted by aggressive ghost where unknown shadow figures are sighted and mysterious voice could be heard in the building.

Ferdinand Marcos, the president of The Philippines at the time, decided to build an expensive film center as a way of enhancing the reputation of The Philippines around the world.

Unfortunately, it appears that both he and his wife, Imelda, began to change the building plans while the structure was being built, forcing construction delays. As a result, the center was being completed as quickly as possible in time for its inaugural film festival.

An accident that took place in November 17, 1981 where the scaffold collapsed during the construction, causing workers to fall into wet cement - many being impaled on steel bars. Because the cement was setting at the time, many became trapped - some being cooked alive. Since the recovery of bodies would take too long and required dried cement to be dug up, Imelda Marcos ordered that the remaining bodies be covered by cement and the construction work continued. I have not found any source that firmly states the total no. of death cause by this accident. In general, it is believed that 15 workers were killed while some source thought up to 169 workers were killed. The remains of the workers were entombed with the building.

There isn’t any media press that reports of this accident to the public and the origin of the source of the accident were unknown of to the Philippines and the world. The former site of the Manila Film Center is now Amazing Theatre Philippines in today.

More sources: The Manila Film Center mystery: A ghostly place or an urban legend?

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