Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Haunting of Sentosa Singapore

Article from Ms. Ching

Sentosa Today
Sentosa Island, the land of peace and tranquility is located at the southwest side of Singapore city center. Knowledge about the geography of Sentosa Island is a must in order to understand its charm. Sentosa Island is a 5 square kilometers stretch of land, which is just a quarter of a mile away from the southern coast of the main island of Singapore. One will find that 70% of the island is covered with rain forest, the favorite dwelling place of monkeys, monitor lizards, peacocks and parrots. Sentosa is a good collection of a wide range of flora and fauna.

Sentosa in the Past
Sentosa was a war zone between many countries in South East Asia. It was believed that the Indonesian is its first legitimate ruler. Sentosa was made into a cemetery by its various Indonesian rulers. The bodies of the deceased will be shipped across from the mainland to this remote island for burials. In the 1840s, there is an epidemic outbreak that killed almost every person living in Sentosa island. The Indonesian had named Sentosa as Pulau Blakang Mati (Island of Dead from the Behind) after the epidemic. The epidemic was caused by malaria as diagnosed in 1898.

The island was a stronghold of pirates before the rules of the Indonesians. Treasures were believed to remained in this island after the pirates left.

Real Encounters with Spiritual Entities in Sentosa Island
I had received some forwarded email regarding Siloso beach Sentosa. In the email it says that the Siloso beach & the deep waters of Sentosa should be avoid during the night. A Chinese girl stayed in the beach to enjoy the midnight breeze and returned home with something additional. Marks that resembled a human hands of infant to an adult were spotted on her bodies. There also finger nails marks as well.

The girl with her family went to a Chinese temple to seek advice on this matter. The high priest told the girl and her family that it was a child water ghost wanting to drown her and this explained the child’s hand mark on her body.

The adult’s hand mark on her body was caused by another ghost. The priest explained that the child does not have the strength to drown her. The adult was not trying to steal the credits for himself. It was lending a helping hand to the child.

The high priest also explained about ghost in Chinese tradition. In order for a spirit to reincarnate as a human, they must harm or trick a human into death. The spirit of the newly death will replace their position in the underworld so they could live again.

The girl is still living today from that incident where the spirits failed to drown her. The high priest explained that she had survived the attacked not by chance. He could sense the aura of her parents. They are very devoted Buddhist and offer their prayer and services to the Buddha frequently. The girl was bless from the deeds of her parents. The priest also provided some information about the spirits trying to drown her. He suggested that the spirits were the victims of drowning in this beach recently. They were young spirit and did not attained magic yet as they could not concealed their doings.

According to Chinese traditions, water should be avoid everywhere during the Chinese Lunar month. This is the month where spirits were able to roam the land freely. Sentosa today is a very safe place to visit and one should not be afraid. As a developed tourist attractions in Singapore, the “Yang Qi” of Sentosa is overwhelming.

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