Friday, December 11, 2009

Pakistan forgets about Indian spy locked up for 35 years

Ansar Burney, Pakistan's Human Rights Minister, announced that he has discovered an Indian spy, who is jailed in Pakistan for over 35 years. Apparently they had forgotten all about him. Kashmir Singh was arrested for espionage in 1973 and received the dead penalty for his actions.

The penalty was never carried out. Since then Singh, a father of three, has been locked up in his 'death row' cell for at least 23.5 hours a day. All this time he did not even get one visitor, but he was allowed to stretch his legs 30 minutes a day.

The Pakistani Minister told that he was able to track down the unfortunate man after being tipped off by the Indian community in London. President Musharraf has expressed his 'shock and disbelief' after he found out about the situation. He also told that mister Singh will be released from jail very soon.

At this moment mister Kashmir Singh is said to be 'mentally ill' and effort are being made to track down his family in India.

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