Saturday, December 26, 2009

Picture of 100ft-long 'snake' sparks fears of mythical monster in Borneo

By Richard Shears

According to legend, the Nabau was a terrifying snake more than 100ft in length and with a dragon's head and seven nostrils.

But now local villagers living along the Baleh river in Borneo believe the mythical creature has returned after this photo of a gigantic snake swimming along the remote waterways has emerged.

The picture, taken by a member of a disaster team monitoring flood regions by helicopter, has sparked a huge debate about whether the photos are genuine or merely the work of photo-editing software.

Picture is (C) copyright to The Daily Mail

Even the respected New Straits Times newspaper in Kuala Lumpur has asked readers to make up their own minds about the photos.

Villagers who claim to have seen the snake say they have given it the name of Nabau, after an ancient sea serpent which can transform itself into the shapes of different animals.

People who have studied the photograph of the shape taken from the air have dismissed suggestions that it's a log.

Click here to read full article


  1. Its not considered as a paranormal thingy, because there were few workers found a 55 meters long snake in a jungle while digging the ground

  2. The question here is that people are still uncertain to classified the creature under category snakes.

    Though, nobody knows exactly how large a snake can grow up to but the Guinness books of world record list the world longest snake to be 32.75 feet form 1912. Since then, a lot of false claims is made to break that records.
