Thursday, December 31, 2009

Suicide Forest in Mountain Fuji Japan

Author: Deena Budd

What is it about the Sea of Trees, also called the Jukai, located on the forests of Mount Fuji in Japan that draws people there to take their own lives?

During the last forty years or so, hundreds of people of all ages and vocations have traveled from all over Japan to come to the Suicide Forest to end their existence on this plane.

The authorities have placed warning signs all over the six thousand plus acres of forest area in an attempt to get people to think about what they are doing. One sign says "Wait! Think Again! You only have one life- value it."

For the most part, this forest doesn't sound as lovely as most wooded areas that I have visited. I have read of "stunted, twisted pines and oak trees," with little sunshine breaking through the darkness. There are seldom birds, and often ice lying in "black slabs on the paths."

Click here to read full article

Related: Japan's Most Haunted Forest - Aokigahara


  1. I love anything to do with the paranormal. Great blog!

  2. Thank you, Brian for your comments. We appreciate it very much

  3. I would just like to suggest that as many Japanese people have very high reading skills in English that any articles dealing with mental health issues in Japan could usefully provide contact details for hotlines and support services for people who are depressed and feeling suicidal.

    Inochi no Denwa (Lifeline Telephone Service):
    Japan: 0120-738-556
    Tokyo: 3264 4343

    AMDA International Medical Information Center:

    Tokyo Counseling Services:

  4. Thanks Andrew, for the links. It will come useful to people reading this post. As you can see here. We are just a paranormal info blog for reading pleasure and definitely do not condone any suicide. We encourage this kind of comments! Thanks.
