Saturday, January 16, 2010

Doctors to operate on 'Tortoise Woman'

by Ananova

Sun Fengqin, aged 47 who is from Inner Mongolia, suffers from a 25 kg (over 55 pounds) nerve fabric tumor on her back that has plagued her existence at its current size for more than two decades.

She is a poor woman and cannot afford the highly sophisticated surgery required to remove it. Doctors at Xijing Hospital have agreed to perform the operation at no cost to her.

Plastic surgeon Guo Shuzhong said Sun suffered from a nerve fabric tumour which could only be removed surgically.

"The main risk is a massive haemorrhage," he said. "During the surgery, we may need to transfuse her with up to 10,000cc of blood - equal to three times the blood in her body."

Click here to read full article

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