Friday, January 22, 2010

Girlfriend with third eye

by Gong Tao Siao

I used to have a colleague who’s girlfriend posses what some people would call a curse where some may say that it is a gift from God. Its the “3rd eye”. “3rd eye” people have the ability to see supernatural things that “common” people like us could not see unless our luck is on the low side or simply what Chinese would have called it “si wan tai”. My colleague’s girlfriend, WaiWai, though, could not really “see” ghosts all the time which most of the time makes it hard for her to “recognize” who’s living and who’s dead.

According to WaiWai, the spirits looked exactly like any other human. She wouldn’t have noticed them until the spirits starred back at her and only her. Locked in an eye to eye communication, it was usually only then that she realized that she was the only one that could see the spirit and the spirit knows that she could see them. After each incident, she would fall very sick with fever running high for at least a week. Perhaps this is due to her being too frighten as she confesses to me that til today, she could not get used to her unusual “gift”.

At one particular evening at Tesco Damansara WaiWai was waiting for my colleague after work at the parking lot. As her boyfriend stepped into the car, she told my colleague that someone was waving at him.

“Eh, someone’s waving at you”

My colleague glanced behind him and saw no one and replied to her, “No, I can’t see anyone there”

“There, over there!,” WaiWai pointed to the direction where she saw a lady waving

My colleague once again looked at the direction and could not see anyone, “There’s no one! Let’s go”

“But, that person has to be your colleague. She’s wearing the same exact uniform as you!,” exclaimed WaiWai.

This time, my colleague just kept quiet and drove off. That night, WaiWai had fever which lasted for a week. It was told to me that WaiWai saw a lady waving excitedly and since she was wearing the same exact uniform as her boyfriend, she assumed that it was her boyfriend’s colleague and that the lady knew him and was waving at him.


  1. Oh my Goodness, I don't even want to call that ability a gift! I don't think it's appropriate to be called as a curse, either.

    Come visit My

  2. There are some people in this world will even willing to spent money to have third eye.
