Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Jakarta Home For Spooks And Magic

by Phillippa Stewart

Picture is (C) copyright to JG Photo/Yudhi Sukma Wijaya

Ki Joko Bodo’s Jakarta home is like a mini Borobudur Temple, but instead of offering tranquility and peace, it is full of spirits that are sure to spook.

Everything in his home is symbolic, and dark enclaves in which he practices his magic abound.

The eccentric home befits its owner — the 47-year-old psychic has scraggly unkempt hair, a wispy long beard and walks about shirtless. He has an inviting face and eyes that sparkle with energy, or perhaps with the satisfaction of knowing what the future holds before anyone else.

His actions and words are slow and deliberate, in true Javanese form, and this same care has obviously gone into his sanctuary.

On first sight, there is no denying his home is something else. The “Idiot Man’s Castle” (“ bodo” literally translates as “idiot”), as he calls it, is a gray-stone structure and is intricately decorated with Balinese carvings.

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