Thursday, February 25, 2010

150 ft Fossil of an Unknown Creature Uncovered by Tsunami in India

Backdate: Oct 05

Reporter from India claims that the remains of a 150' ancient, giant creature washed ashore on the coast of India. Footage looks pretty good, but who knows if it's fact of fiction.

An detailed breakdown analysis of the video offered by
"The 65 second video clip opens with a young Indian woman holding a microphone and walking on an open sandy beach speaking apparent Indian with a voice-over narrator translating everything spoken to English. The reporter?s name is displayed along with an official looking logo as the reporter walks on to the beach telling of the areas recovery from the 2004 tsunami in the Tamil Hadu region of Indian. So far so good, except that we are 18 seconds (over 25%) into the entire clip and have not yet seen any glimpse of a giant sea creature.

At this point, the video shows a crude map of the southern tip of India with two cities marked by colored dots. Here is where the problems begin. The two cities are named Chenai and Mahabalipuram. First, Chenai is misspelled but is in the correct position to be the city of Chennai. Forgiving a professional news service this oversight, we then notice that Mahabalipuram, a 7th century port city of South India, is known today as Mamallapuram. I scoured the internet looking for any map that used the ancient city name and could find none except as a reference on tourism brochures. This seems like too big of an error to be an oversight.

At 22 seconds the clip switches to a rock formation with waves splashing and 1.5 seconds later switches to the reporter extending the microphone to a lady on the beach who proceeds to tell of hearing legends of giant creatures as a child. A point to make here is that the rock has hieroglyphs or other etchings that appear as the picture contrast balances just before the video switches away from this scene to a helicopter in the air. Now at 36 seconds (55%) through the clip, we still haven?t seen the remains of anything except the bird droppings on the beach."

Click here to read full report


  1. I'll actually add the screws that hold the boxes where they are supposed to go, rather than just sitting in a pile on top of each other at the bottom of the box.

  2. As such Tsunami is very dangerous and leaves a sad effect in the minds of the people. Sometimes its felt that its good for the welfare of the country but when it destroys the places and every thing then it becomes very cruel.

  3. Hi Led, I heard from somewhere that, this is a trailer for some playstation game. Since, i still can't find out the title of the game. This has better to be a game trailer. A Tsunami is nothing that anybody ever wished for.

  4. how can this be a trailer for a game... hmmm ???

  5. This was a trailer for Shadow of the Colossus.

  6. Conspicuous CGI...

  7. Shadow of the Colossus Viral Marketing

  8. Tsunami is a natural weapon of mass destruction and there are many sea secrets that are yet to be discovered by humans, it’s merely a small part that came up like this.

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