Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Monkey Baby Sitter taking care of a Baby in India

News backdate: 29 Oct 2007
Presenting a unique bond of love between simians and human beings, a monkey in Orissa’s Dhenkanal area has adorned a baby-sitter’s role by taking care of an infant human baby when its mother is busy doing household chores.

Every morning, the monkey arrives at the 21-day-old baby’s house and spends rest of the day taking care of the baby boy. At times, the monkey goes asleep with the infant in the house.

“Initially, I was scared by this unusual affection shown by the monkey towards my baby. But today, the monkey takes care of him the whole day when I am busy with my household work. Sitting next to my baby son, the monkey looks after him as a mother and never harms,” said Kamalini Khuntia, the mother.

The Monkey carefully adore the 21 day old child

Click here to read full article


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