Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Muslim Clerics want ban on Black Magic

Source: Malaysia Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 17 2010 — Muslim scholars want laws to ban witchcraft to help stem a tide of robberies, a national newspaper reported today.
Witchcraft is forbidden in Islam, but there are currently no civil, or Islamic sharia laws, that clearly prohibit it.

Reports of the use of so-called black magic are widespread in this majority Muslim country, with robbers said to use spells to ensure a successful heist.

"Criminals were said to have tapped a victim's back or blow cigarette smoke on a victim's face to cast spells, making them unaware they are being robbed," respected Muslim scholar Haron Din was quoted in the New Straits Times as saying at a seminar on "Love Magic and Diagnosis Methodology."

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