Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Orel Region Father Valdimir Russia Exorcism


Is the world becoming more evil? Does Satan have a firmer grip on humanity today than he ever has? Many people believe the answer is yes, which may explain the dramatic rise in exorcisms being performed in countries all around the world and Russia.

Father Valdimir in the Orel region of Russia depicts an exorcism being performed on a man in his early twenties for about 5½ hours in Moscow. The young man had been plagued by disembodied voices and depression. His family sought help from a psychiatrist, to no effect, and then an occultist, which may have made matters worse.

Then the young man's aunt brought him to a deliverance ceremony, in which the clergy seeks to rid congregation members of any demonic influence. During this ceremony, as the priest read off the names of various demons, the young man apparently responded to the "Spirit of Death" name – or rather, it is believed that the demon inside of him responded. The attempted exorcism then performed is seen in the following video.

[Click here to read full source]

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