Sunday, March 21, 2010

Your 10 Haunted Place in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

kAuthor: Zacklyraw

Some gorgeous places in Kuala Lumpur with possible spirits haunting them.
When you visit Kuala Lumpur, check out these places with histories of hauntings -- if you dare!

1. Victoria's Institution
How could you not see this on the list? Come on... at 116 years old, it's bound to have some ghoulies running around. Most famously, and this is uncertain for every source we've looked at or heard from varies, it was used by the Japanese soldiers during WWII as HQ/execution area/ marching ground etc. I'm sure you know at least one V.I. boy who'll enlighten you with various stories.

2. Highland Towers
This just had to be on the list lah. As far as fame goes, this is like the Richard Gere of eerie sites in KL. In 1993, one of 3 blocks collapsed which led to 48 deaths. Besides being surrounded by overgrown plants, the unkept condition of the buildings just make it perfect when it comes to haunts. They do say that ghosts do enjoy residing in "dirty" areas. Only one way to find out...

3. Kajang Highschool
Maybe this isn't as famous as it should be because V.I. takes the cake in central KL. Similarly, this highschool was occupied by the Japanese for similar reasons. Students and ex-students from that area, will gladly verify the spookies.

4. Abandoned bungalows in Bangsar
Bangsar-ians will not thank me for this. Alas, the world wants to know. Apparently, (and I use 'apparently' cause the story started with just one bungalow and soon become a whole stretch of bungalows) there are a few haunted houses in Bangsar with all sorts of background stories. Most notably some guard went bonkers and murdered the kids and dumped the bodies into the water tank. Cool.

[Click here to read full article]

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