Friday, April 2, 2010

The Haunting Detention Cell in Bang Kok

This story was first reported by The NationMultimedia Thailand on July 14, 2007.

Detainees in the lock cell of Crime Suppression Division(CSD) Bang Kok complained they could not sleep after having seen a ghost several nights running.

Six detainees complained to guards that a man detained on credit-card-fraud charges had been possessed on Thursday night. He began "moaning painfully" about being released.

The man, Phiphat Nabnian, later regained consciousness and explained that he had seen a "mysterious man" in a red tank top squatting on a cardboard box in the cell and staring at him for two nights in a row. This statement coincided with an account by cellmate Phitsanu Narkkhon. He said he had seen the same man a couple of nights before.

Phiphat said he had seen the mysterious man on his first night in the cell. The apparition came to him in a dream, and the man was running towards him intent on harming him, he said.

"So I lashed out in my dream, and my fist landed on a cellmate, and then I passed out. I came to when the others shook me," he said.

According to police records, there had never been paranormal incidents in this cell until a man charged with raping his niece, Chalard Senarat, hanged himself on July 1. The incident was reported in several newspapers.

According to these reports, Chalard tore up a long-sleeved shirt to make a rope. Police records do not indicate if Chalard wore a red tank top.

Acting division commander Colonel Phongphat Chayaphan ordered the exorcism for the peace of mind of inmates and officers on duty.

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