Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weird Noises from Empty Apartment

by Spooky Corner

During weekdays, Reene usually stays with her parents whereas on weekends, she would stay with her husband. Her husband, on the other hand, would be living with his parents during weekdays as this arrangement was due to the convenience of both parities working nearby their parent’s house.

As usual on Saturdays, Reene and her husband would go to their house and clean up. Recently late last year, Reene and her husband as usual were cleaning up the house when the doorbell suddenly rang. Reene’s husband, Max answered the door and got a surprise when the person introduced himself as their neighbor who was staying directly at the unit just below them, Mr A.

Mr A apologized profusely for disturbing them and requested if some of his requests could be obeyed. Curious, Max asked if there was anything that he could help Mr A. Mr A then told him that they had recently just moved in after their marriage and told Max that his wife was having trouble sleeping.

Mr A explained that his wife was disturbed with noises coming from Reene’s unit and requested Max if they could tone down or stop moving furniture in the middle of the night. Max, puzzled, replied Mr A that they do not do such things and offered an explanation that the noises were perhaps coming from the pipes in their bedroom bathroom.

Mr A then asked, “What about the dumb bells? Perhaps you could put the dumb bells down gently instead because it quite disturbing as well,” but again Max rejected telling Mr A that he did not own any dumb bell. Mr A then apologized again for disturbing that perhaps it was some misunderstanding and left.

Reene who was quiet all the time asked her husband if she mentioned to Mr A that they do not even stay there for the most of the time but her husband told her he prefer not to mention it for not wanting to scare Mr A any further. So what was that noises coming from?

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