Monday, May 24, 2010

Malay Spiritual Healing

MANY Malaysians are no strangers to the workings of faith/spiritual healers, and there have been numerous TV programmes documenting these healers.

Today I would like to share with you about two female spiritual healers. One is from my home town Kota Baru, Kelantan, and the other is from China. They are among the most fascinating I have ever encountered.

Puan Lin

Puan Lin (or just “Lin” as she is commonly known) is in her 40s. She’s originally from Java, Indonesia, and settled in Kelantan after marrying a Malaysian. They are blessed with seven children

[Full Source]

Several years ago, she had a dream that she was to start healing people. Her first patient was her own relative, who was bed-ridden. After her “treatment”, he recovered. That gave her confidence to treat others, and the word spread like wildfire. Now her “clinic” is always crowded.

Lin starts diagnosing the cause of the ailment or problem as soon as the “patient” introduces himself to her. Her speciality is in diagnosing and reversing black magic. Every patient is required to bring an egg for the diagnosis, and a bottle of water for her to supplicate upon. She will roll the egg over the patient’s back and then break the egg. Needles, rusty nails, hair, seeds, and countless other items have been found in the eggs which were brought by the patients.

I have observed these many times at close range, sitting or standing just beside her while she was treating the patients. Each session lasts only a few minutes, and each patient is asked to telephone her in the evening for further instructions.

Note that the patients brought their own eggs. This is important because healers often have been accused of cheating by putting these items inside the eggs and cleverly concealing the breaks in the eggs. To put in nails and larger objects without breaking the eggs would require extreme ingenuity.

She is now pregnant with her eighth child, and had actually decided to stop her “clinic” to concentrate on her pregnancy. However, people kept knocking on her door for help, and she relented. So even with a bulging tummy, she patiently treats over 200 people each day.

Many people have benefited from Lin’s treatment, ranging from physical ailments to spiritual angst. If you were to study the cases that come to her, you will realise that so many people have physical ailments that actually have spiritual causes behind them, and that many physical ailments are amenable to spiritual healing


  1. Dear All,

    Whether you are a Girl or a Boy, Man or a Women, having Job or Jobless, Married or Unmarried, Financially stable or sinking in crises, you can contact me without any hesitation for Spiritual Healing (Holy Cure). Whatever your problem is, I am here to solve it from my Holy Power. If you think I'm kidding with you or a fake person, then I would happily say "You won't have to pay me money, till you got success".

    NO SUCCESS NO FEE ...... I'm working on this basis that's all. Now your mind will be clear from myside.

    The work you want me to do for you, the money I will ask you have to pay me after success. Come on, shoot me an e-mail and narrate your problems with me. Wherever you live, it doesn't matter. I am able to do your work in all over the World.

    My e-mail is:
    Cell No. +92321-3823312
    Contact person: Mr.Zubair (Petname: Zebi)

    1. Hi im fairuz malay guy im having a problem somethings is making me smell like shit or dead corse at my body n surrounding my whole area of my body i thinks someone must cast a spell on me to made me smell shits to everyone please help me to cure tis evil things at me n contact me at +6581650264 urgent thanks

    2. Hi im fairuz malay guy im having a problem somethings is making me smell like shit or dead corse at my body n surrounding my whole area of my body i thinks someone must cast a spell on me to made me smell shits to everyone please help me to cure tis evil things at me n contact me at +6581650264 urgent thanks

  2. Gifted & natural healer has been Sai S. Suresh who have had no instruction but the divine power bestowed in her and the Guidance and Blessings she has constantly been getting from Baba making her to be an excellent healer.Spiritual Healer in india|Pranic Healing in Bangalore

  3. Hi,

    Hope this thread is still active but can you provide me with the contact information for Puan Lin
