Saturday, May 8, 2010

Scary early morning patrol

by Unknown (source: Hungzai)

[The following is a supposedly true story about 2 neighbourhood policemen who went out on partol in the early hours of a particular day in 1993]

This occurred in 1993.

At that time I was attached to Kg Ubi NPP located at Block 9 Eunos Crescent.

It was during the Chinese 7th Month and as usual I was on “C” shift. (Yea! Supernatural things always occurred in the hours of darkness).

I was out on patrol at about 0330hrs with my partner, a young Chinese boy serving his NS, when we received a dispatch from our DOR (Division Ops Room) to attend a case at Block 3XX, Ubi Ave 1 #03-XXX.

We arrived at scene within 10 mins and knocked on the Complainant’s door. The door was opened by a young woman in her early 20’s, She had a towel across her body to cover her modesty. She was hysterical! She was holding a cluster of garlic and a cross on one hand and a cleaver on her other hand.

She looks glad to see us and immediately invited us into her house and lead us to her kitchen. She was speaking very furiously and at a very fast speed which we had a had time to comprehend, I then told her to put down the cleaver and her other items, she only put down the cleaver but not the cluster of garlic or the cross. She said its for our protection. She then lead us into her kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, we noticed a cup was smashed and there was a bad liquid believed to be coffee. There were also some drawers were on the floors with its contents all spill all over the kitchen’s floor. There was a foul smell like shits and there were some black thick grease on the floor. There was also some torned clothings.

She then lead us to the kitchen’s window and pointed to a tree located about 10 metres from her kitchen window. She then asked us, “Can you see him?” I repiled, ” See What?” She looked at us with unbelieving eyes and again said, “Can you the see creature?”, I again repiled “See what creature? Mdm, there is nothing there!” “Officers are you blind, there is a man on the branch of the tree, & his severe head is resting on his right hand’s palm & he is smiling & looking at us right now!!!”

Both my partners again took a long look at the tree but neither of us could see anything. “Look Mdm, are you on medication (drugs)?” She shooked her head. “Are you saying that there is a headless man on the branch of the tree outside your house and he is holding his severe head in his hand?” She nodded! I turn to my partner and said, “32″, my partner nodded his head. (32 is a Police jargo which mean Insane Person). I turned back to her and said,”Mdm, there is nothing out there! & I think its your imagination working overtime”

Her face turn pale and we lead her back into her living room. This is her story. (We still have to “entertain” her even if she is really “32″).

Janet (not her real name), is a Chinese Singaporean and had recently got married and that her husband was away in Malaysia for work. They have shifted to Ubi just 3 months back after their wedding.

Her husband, Jack (Not his real name), is a oil lubricant Salesman and has to travelled intensely to South East Asia countries to services his clients.

Her husband had left for Malaysia earlier in the day. He intended to drive to KL to meet his clients.

Janet said, “Officers, what I am going to tell you, although it might sound incredible and you might even think that I am crazy or high on drugs, which I can asurred 100% that neither am I high on drugs or is crazy. What I am going to tell you is the truth!”

As I could not fall asleep, I to make myself a cup of coffee before watching VCD (That time still dun have DVD hor!).

As I entered the kitchen, I felt a strange presense, “It was like someone staring at me from a distance”, thinking that it was my own imagination, I continued to make my coffee. It was then the entire unit’s lights went off, leaving the entire unit in darkness.

As I was trying to locate a candle & some matches from one of the kitchen’s drawer, I saw someone had jumped in from the window. The creature then tried to rape me. The “thing” grabbed me from my rear & hugged me. Its hands were grouping my breasts. The thing then tried to undress me & as a result my pyamas were torned.

I was struggling with it, when I caught a look at my attacker, it was tall, dark & huge & its body was covered with a layer of thick grease or engine oil. Its eyes were bright yellow like black jauguar’s eyes. I then grabbed a washing board and hit it on its head with it. The creature gave out a loud shriek and then its head rolled off. The creature then got up & picked up its head & flew out of the kitchen’s door and rested on the tree’s branches outside my unit. The creature is still sitting outside my unit in the tree.

She then showed us her torned pyamas which was recovered from the kitchen. On the torn pyamas, there were clearly 2 set of hands prints on it. Its palms prints were covered with grease and mud and it showed up clearly.

As my partner had completed giving the facts to our DOR, my Ops Sgt instructed me to give a call back to DOR.

I told my partner to stay with the complainant while I go downstairs to use the Public phone to contact DOR. (That time, we were not issued with HP like the officers now)

It was already nearly 0435hrs when I spoke to my Ops Sgt, she informed that a Singaporean car had been involved in a fatal accident along the North South highway of Malaysia after Segamat earlier on at 0100hrs. The car had overturn and handed upside down inside a small river. A body with its head severed was found in the wreakage. I replied, “Sarge, I am still engaged in a case leh!” (I thought she wanted me to inform the Next of Kin - Police Officers, sometimes when the Next of Kin cannot be located or contacted, they will get the Police to assist to inform them)

“Cpl Christopher. please let me finished” Said my Ops Sgt

“From the contents in the deceased’s wallet, it was established that the deceased was a Jack Lim residing at Block 3XX Ubi Ave 1 #03-XXX. It is the same unit that you are attending a case right now!” “You are to informed his wife about the fatal accident”

I then went back to the unit and informed Janet about the accident as gently as I could. Once I told her, she fainted and fell to the floor. We carried her back to her living room and put her onto the sofa. I summoned for AB (Ambulance). While waiting for the arrival of the AB, my partner & I heard sobbing sound coming out from the kitchen. We went to investigate and managed to trace the sobbing sound to the tree. However, neither of us could see anything! It send a chill to our bones.

When AB arrived, Janet was conveyed to hospital. It was learnt that she passed away the same day without regaining conscious.

After the incident, whenever I attended any cases near the vicinity of the block, it never fails to send a chill to my bone.

I hoped that their souls will find peace where ever they are.

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