Sunday, July 25, 2010

The 5 Most Notable Examples of Demonic Possession and Exorcism

All major religions do include belief in existence of demons. Demons are described as spiritual beings who cannot be seen by humans because they are not created from visible materials.

Despite the fact that all monotheistic religions condemn any contact with demons and their interference with humans, the demon possession of a human being is not so rare instance. Some psychical diseases like schizophrenia are often linked to demonic possession.

For example, Christianity and Islam have pretty detailed methods of curing those who are possessed. Of course, non-believers will deny even the existence of such creatures, but we are not going to discus that in this article.

We are going to write here about some of known examples of possible demonic possession and most of them teach us that playing with Satanic rituals and similar thing never ends good even if plenty of media are showing those things like funny and entertaining. If you want to stay away from troubles, do not try any kind of Satanic ritual or speaking with dead or demons because all that you can get are serious problems which often can have fatal consequences.

[Click here to read full article]

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