Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is Feng Shui Fact or Fiction?

So what is Feng Shui exactly? basically Feng Shui is a system that involves a set of guidelines for creating harmony and balance in your living and working environment. There are many ways in which the Chinese masters of Feng Shui worked out how to create positive Chi(energy). From placing furniture in a certain way and place, to hanging certain ornaments in particular areas.

I had a bit to do with Feng Shui many years ago when I owned a hairdressing salon. My partner at the time got right into it, she studied all the books an even got the assistance of a Feng Shui consultant in to set up the shop and house. I'm still to this day sitting on the fence on the subject. I'm open to everything and I witnessed enough occasions where Feng Shui certainly looked to be an exact science. For example when ever a light bulb would blow in the salon, clients would decrease, at first I thought it was just a coincidence, but it happened to many times and my partner was always quick to point it out.

[Click here to read full article]

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