Monday, July 26, 2010

Lottery stones at Pudu Jail

Gamblers have been seen going to Pudu Jail to get stone fragments which they believe will help them win the lottery, Harian Metro reports.

Photo: The Star/ANN

A guard at the jail said they believed that stone fragments from the execution room (where hangings took place) could be used to get lucky numbers for the lottery and also to bet during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

He said the execution room was torn down a few months ago and only the room where those on death row were kept before being hanged in Block D was left.

A check by the daily showed that there were pieces of papers with lottery numbers, candles, bottles and lighters all over the floor of the room believed to have been used for black magic.

He said many people visited the jail to collect the stones during the day and at night although the area was cordoned off.

The prison has been partially demolished by UDA Holdings Bhd to make way for a commercial development.

-The Star/Asia News Network

[Click here to read full article]

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