Thursday, July 15, 2010

Real Life Stories of Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary was Mary Tudor, Queen of England, and daughter of King Henry the 8th and Catherine of Aragon. All her life, she was a mean brat to her little sister, Elizabeth and her brother Edward VI. She did not like them at all and was very jealous. When Edward VI died, she became Queen Mary of England. She was hated all over for changing the religion in England from Protestant to Roman Catholic. She mass-murdered over 100 Protestant leaders, earning her name as "Bloody Mary".

And yes, I have seen Bloody Mary. My friends and I decided to try it out. This is what we did:

1) We went into the bathroom.

2) Turned out the lights.

3) Ran the water.

4) Spun around 3 times saying "Bloody Mary."

5) Closed our eyes and held hands until we heard anything. (not saying this way is right or wrong, we just did it like that.)

There was a low 'thump' and we opened our eyes. There was a bloody dark-haired girl covered in blood. But it was very very dark, so very hard to tell. All she did was look at us, like an image painted on the mirror. Then we got scared and turned on the light, and whatever it was, was gone.
This is the true story of Bloody Mary.

One day in October, we were staying in a hotel when my friend, Kendra was telling us that if you want to do Bloody Mary in a group, that you need to link arms, hold hands and chant "Bloody Mary" fifty times in a pitch-black room. A mirror was needed and our hotel room had a large one. When we did this, it took us several tries because everyone was freaking out. We all knew when we finally got it. We were trapped in a green fog and soon fell silent.

All of the sudden, my friends were with me, covered in blood. Then, they dropped dead. That sent me running down a long corridor that never seemed to end. After seeing huge pictures of the murder victims on the wall, I looked over my shoulder and saw a young girl in a long, black cloak. Her head was floating six inches from the cloak and she had long, white hair, dripping with blood. Her face was white with red, bloodshot eyes. She was chanting "Bloody Mary." I was trying to scream but I couldn't because the green fog was choking me. I saw that she had a long, rusty knife, dripping with blood. She was about to stab me!

I tried again to scream. When I looked forward, I noticed a large door at the end of the corridor, so I went faster. This made the figure angry and she multiplied, and all of them came at me with knives. Then, everything went completely dark... All of the sudden, the lights came on and I was being shaken by my friends. They said that I had turned purple, then white, causing them to panic. When they touched me, I fell over. They thought I was dead! I was completely exhausted and fell asleep. The next morning, I asked my friends if they had seen what I did. They said that they had phased out when they was the scary murder pictures. It was only a couple days ago and I still have a pale face...

[Click here to read full article]


  1. this is the most unbelievable thing ever. BLOODY MARY IS NOT REAL!!!!!!! get over it

    1. if u think blooody mary is not real type in N if u think she is real type in R. umm for me i think.... to be honest with you im in between. so i be coming back here to check the comments. lol im weird i know i get that alot .


    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. yes she is !!! everyone needs to stop sayin that !!! >:(

    5. BEETLE JUICE!!!!
      BEETLE JUICE!!!!
      BEETLE JUICE!!!!

    6. to the window (/*_*)/
      to the wall \(*_*\)
      to the window (/*_*)/
      to the wall \(*_*\)
      -.- no

    7. she might b real???????????????????? ya never know

    8. i now she isnt real da da its a faker trying to get some one to feel bad for him! or her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i have tried it before in my house, but BLOODY MARY did not appear =(

    1. then i might visit you tonight
      ex oh ex oh

  3. come on dude!'s all bull shit.Bloody mary is just a old ghost story that the grandparents told their children.........but the story you was funny 2 me rather than scary!

    1. You shouldn't say that she might hurt you you dick

  4. oh yeah once i was bored and iw as stadning infront of a mirror in a dark hallway. i said bloody mary three times inside my head and the my eyes were slolwy transformed/replaced with different eyes. then later on in the day, i googled famous female killers and saw a picture of bloody mary. i was surprised, cuz those were the same eys i saw in the mirror before turning on the light. :O

    1. have you tried it

    2. God dang im soo tired of hearing blood mary isnt/is real im only 13 & i want to no the truth is she real or. not cause all i know is im NOT tryinng it i WANT TO NO THE TRUTH

    3. yay right i dout that im probably younger than u and i now she isnt real come on

  5. i believe it because i have a ghost in my house and who could make up a story like that 2 believe?fart faces!

    1. Ya at my friends house every night they hear a loud THUMP in the middle of the night they tried to lock the doors but it was still a loud THUMP and they saw a door open by its self

    2. i have ghost in my house i wake up with scratches all up an down my arm

    3. Doesn't mean it's bloody Mary it's maybe ur nails dude cut that shit out

  6. omg i tried it. it was fucking scary!

  7. i dont think this story ius true at all!! btween its funny..she multiplied...wholl believe that? i tried bm soo many times..nothing works...these legends.......:-/

  8. are u joking bloody mary is not true it is just because of our over imagination

  9. Its freakin fake! juss another urban myth! just like the candyman peeps who r putting this crap up r making it up! nuff said =)

    1. dude its freaking true my friend died when we tried it the cops think I killed her so I ran away and I took pics of bloody Mary.I put them in my backpack and in 20 min. It was gone and my backpack too.but good thing I have a tracker because I tracked it and it ended up in the bathroom where we saw her and blood was all over my ed hardy backpack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Well guess what it's not true there was problem a murder in the house it's your imagination

  10. god knws bt i really wish 2 try it out

    1. ikr. i mean i wnna try bloody mary in the mirror so badd but i dnt wnna bring any bad spirits into the house.

    2. dude really? spell right i cant even understand this. also grow some I have done it many times and nothing happens

  11. If u put a ring of salt can u be sure your safe from mary or will u die?????????

  12. Ha how funny people would even use that made up story for a movie let alone to try to give it a history where there was not such name used for anyone past or present. Grin
    Only in america would people online or in life even believe such things.
    More into things like real ghosts or proof in pics and videos like on

  13. I did BM with my friends older sister once. We didnt think anything was happening but then i got sharp pain in my upper arm and kendal started screaming. we ran back to my friend Meagan and lloked ourselves over. i had a bruise on my upper arm and Kendall had scratches all over her forearm...

  14. pimpi lika pilapi........ wooooooooooooooooo

  15. B'M Not stating her name could possibly be real if your mind is clear and open to belief but then again anyone who say's her not to be true can always be stubborn to the fact that something lurks in darkness. I have done B'M and have not seen nor heard anything, It's been 4 hours since I have attempted it and still nothing. I also have to add that people to claim they have done it with another person are clearly afraid of the legend as you would do it alone if not. Therefore depending on your ability to use the greater part of your brain you may be able to summon such beings.

  16. I don't know about all that but she might be real, I don't know if you believe in such things but a while ago me and my girlfriend listened to the song gloomy Sunday or something. an hour later we heard a grunt or growl coming from our room, no one was there and we where the only ones in the house. the noise could not have come from outside due to the fact we live in a 3 story house and the window was closed, the sound was too close to have been from outside of the room... Soo all I can say is believe what you want, but unless you try it yourself and put 100% effort into it you cannot say its not real

  17. this is crazyyyy///

  18. Bloody Mary is truly real. I have seen it in my house before. If you don't think it is real then you had better go in the bathroom and try it out because Bloody Mary is truly real.

    1. Me and a few of my friends gave it a try and nothing showed up at the mirror but instead a face popped up at the window. WEIRD :)

    2. Me and a few of my friends gave it a try and nothing showed up at the mirror but instead a face popped up at the window. WEIRD :)

    3. really no freaking joke.

  19. I did it before wen I was stayin wit my aunt I was in the bathroom lit 3 candles an said he name 13 times nothin was there but wen I looked down then bac up this lady looked like she was behind me her face was scratchy an bloody an her cloths were raggy look like somethin from the 1800's soon after tht I moved out cuz I kept hearin noise at nite n everyone was sleepin believe it or not but I no wat I saw n herd

  20. scary shit i now that shes real i try so hard to make her apear but that shit dose't work i tell ya!!!

  21. im so so so alone in ma room i have 19 scars on my back and one long on on my face help !!!!! b-mary is real

    1. I love you...want me to sooth your pains with my tongue, or something else *wink wink*.....wanna meet up????

  22. This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard! If by any chance you are experiencing anything supernatural, chances are your invoking demons. Not some bitch who got her period all over herself and wants to make you pay, cause you keep summoning at her most embarrasing moment.

  23. bloody mary could be real and maybe not but im going to test this once or twice cause if you ever look at the pics and look closely at mary and if you see the same exact version of mary in every one of them then there is a possibility that she could be real im one that believes in all this shit and ive seen paranormal iv been in this situation over a million times and ive been doing research on if for about 3 years and im 16. ive tried boards and everything and let me say paranormal is real, and i know exactly what to look for to tell if this is real or fake. //_-.

  24. you story is more funny than ur face....:D

  25. wahahahahaahaahhaahaahhhaahah.......its so funny lol

  26. and you knw what gets mehh is yall so quick to say somebodyy lieing but you scared to try it
    scary ass people i swear:)

    me and my frind were messin around making videos on her computer singin songs and then we got bored and then she wanted to do bloody mary so i was lik ok because i didnt really belive in it. So we go in the bathroom and put the computer on the toilet facing the mirror and turned off the lights.Then we said bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary candyman candyman candyman.Then we waited a few seconds then i turn on the lights and we see nothin.So she say to the camera thre you have it people bloody mary isnt real.So we walk out then she was bending down where you couldnt see her in the camera because she was about to jump out and try to scare them. But then i hear her scream and turn around and the computer screen was going on and off and i was staring at it for a few seconds then i walk in anr it stops. Since then i ve been scared at night and this had happene two nights ago. Please do not try it its freakishly scary.

    1. hey isnt tht on youtube cuz i think i seen it there..

    2. well yess are u dom

    3. I love ponies...wanna meet up? and also tmk bxc ,jygx ,jycg :) thank you for your attention....and ps. I love you

  28. Do we have to use candles???? To do the thing?? And is it real??!??!?!?!?


    1. it doesnt always happen to ppl just some... try it loads of times and u might see it iv done it and i saw her ever since i hearing scratching on wall and i had scratches for ten years this what it said:
      B - 1 year
      L - 2 year
      O - 3 year
      O - 4 year
      D - 5 year
      Y - 6 year
      M - 7 year
      A - 8 year
      R - 9 year
      Y - 10 year
      and btw im not lying this is a true story ^^^^^^^^^^^^

  30. Replies
    1. Hey bertha...

    2. im joking my name is actually alissa im from russellville im in sixth grade. lol

    3. Hey alissa, my name is Raphael, Raph for short

    4. oh hey raph u seem nice do u have fb(:

  31. I bet this was a dream becouse to tell u the truth I have tried it and nothing comes up all the videos are tack and everything also I don't belive in that till I see it

  32. This is so true someone cant just make that up i do think that a girls head floating six inches from her body is a bit cheesy

  33. bloody mary is real but her name in life was mary worth and you say i believe in mary worth five times in front of a mirror holding a single lit red andle duh

  34. Ok I tried at 8 a.m. NOTHING HAPPENED

  35. it IS real IF you BELIEVE !

  36. i belive in bm i tried it at school but nothing happend im not trying it at my house because if it is real i dont want CREEPY OLD LADY HAUNTING ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!

  37. Bloody mary is so real iv'e seen her many times

    1. OMG.. to be honest with u idk if bloody mary is real or not but u really isnt supposed to do cuz u bring bad spirits in btw bloody mary is oldd.

  38. I didnot believe in ghost and sprits, but something make believe Bloody Mary. If anyone had a good idea to make me sure ghost are fake please send me.

  39. you mean you believe in bloody mary, Anonymous

  40. Umm I do believe in bloody Mary but she is a religious spirit and yes she is real and do NOT mess with wijii boards they are real all it does is it opensthe door to evil. And ur letting it in With what u say and do do don't take my advice

    1. Listen please Dont open the door to the evil!! Take my advice please

  41. yea i need somebody too chit chat with about these things from the enternet can somebod plzz tlk to meeeee....

    1. First of all, it's "internet", second of all it's "somebody", thirdly it's "please", "talk", and "me?" and lastly, learn how to fucking spell please! :) Do you root? I love you.

  42. Well... My dad did too but nothing happened but now i am toooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared about my dad but he is not scared WELL HE IS BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!

  43. i think it is real but not everyone can summon her!

  44. i think bloody mary is real whos with me

  45. im only 10 and i did bm once in my house house and my house is next to the cemetery and it was day i was so scared even though nothing happened and for about a month i would not look into that mirror coz i am so scared that she might be there

  46. cool, i think bloody mary is fake. But my friends keep on telling that bloody mary is true.
    To get rid fears about bloody mary, i just view videos which says bloody mary is fake.

  47. stiu si eu pare cam reala nu stiu dar o sa incerc sa vad ma va omora

  48. wut is tht spanish hello we speak english...

  49. bloody mary is real so for all the people who dont believe in it screw youuu

  50. I think bloody mary is real because all the videos(that says bloody mary is fake) that I viewed the summoner did not do it in the correct time or they make a mistake while doing it.

    1. i saw them to. i tried and it did work! it is a breahtaking experience

  51. ik. ok how about this if who ever dnt believe in bloody mary you go in the bathroom in say bloody mary 12 times. then

    1. did you take a shit while you were in the bathroom bro??? wanna meet up???

  52. i believe in itt.

  53. No, I would never do that. My friend had a nightmare about that. He said that I was trying bloody mary in my bathoroom while he was talking with my brother and there was a explosion and when he reached into the bathroom I was not there.

  54. i didnt believe it untill me and my friend did it nothink happened but then we heard a noise so i jumped on her bed then her bed lifted itself up it was the most scaryest thing :(

  55. A BED LIFTED ITSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That sounds really unpleasant. So now we are clear
    that bloody mary is real.Did anyone dare try bloody mary?

  56. This is Bull, ive done bloody mary countless times and i have seen nothing

  57. hi i didnt try bm but i think its not true

  58. but wat if she really comes before u?

  59. What the hell is she even real

  60. idrk if she is real but once satan is alive anything evil is possible

  61. she was queen marry worth in england she is real but she doesnt come out an kill u

  62. Me and ma m8 hannah at ma old house had a sleepover at mine and we were messin around for ages and then i said y dont we go and try bm but i was only jokin around but she took me for real and then we went and lit 3 candles placed them at the side of the mirror and turned the light off and kept hold ov each other close and then whpisperd bm's name 3 times and it didnt work so we waited and waited then we heard some1's footsteps across the landin and assumed it was ma lil sis and then it went silent for summot like 10-15secs den we shit our selfs coz da door burst open and der were no body there and den we fell in2 si bath and den had wet butoxs and we saw a kind ov young girl for a couple ov seconds den it started rainin outside which made us even more likley 2 shit our selves den we saw a lil green glowin light in da middle ov da mirror and den i pulled the light switch down towards me and hannah unluckly hannah were dat lil bit more closer 2 da mirror den me but anyway i swicted da light on and all we cud see were bubbles and den every thing went silent and da candels blew out and we felt a cold shiver go down our spine's we started screamin and ma mum came runnin in finkin we were bein murdered which is wat cud ov happenend but we didnt tell her a ythin coz we didnt know wat 2 say but den we ran 2 ma bed which was across da landin and we were desperte for a pee so we used da coke bottle 2 pee in coz der were no way we were goin 2 da bathoom and ma mum tucked us up in bed and said sweet dreams and turned da light off and when she went we both turned everythin dat had light back on n dats includin da main light now dat was a month ago and shes sleepin 2night @ ma new house and were still scared and will never do it EVER again so pls DONT do it.........................

    1. cool story bro...needs more dragons and shit...maybe a wizard to top it off...hey...i have a good idea...lets meet bout it???? ;)

  63. dahz oll rubbish.....nthn lyk diz exist...............

  64. acid trip for sure

  65. i know bell witch is real but me and my friend tiffany said bloody mary in the bathroom nothing happened its childish.

  66. HELLO. mr.doo doll we speak english lol not german

  67. you ree ree he means thats all rubbish nothing like that exist smart one.

  68. im gonna try it out!!!
    looks like fun!!!:D

  69. dear bloody mary if youre real lets be friends and not enemies!!!!
    silly billy!!!
    when u smile u would look pretty!!!

  70. i think she was real,but maybe in 2012 or ect,she dosent exsisted anymore but i bet shes still real

    1. I love you :)wanna meet up baby??? ill show you a good time ;)

  71. i really dnt know but im not trying that though.

  72. i tried it and now im missing a finger


  74. i have to do a project on mary tudor and i keep on getting these things and stuff thats acculy about her but is writen to grown up and i cant understand. :/

  75. Well I'm doing it tomorrow with a couple of friends. We're going to do it my friends way and if it doesn't work I'm going to do it the right way. Well wish us luck and I hope she doesn't come and get me. I just want to say people....the reason why you saw "bloody mary" was because you believed in it so much. Like someone made up a rumor that there was a murder in this hotel and everyone was scared to go to the hotel and they made it so real. Because of all the energy it caused i think spirits to come or whatever and scare people. I'm telling u she is so fake

  76. Bloody Mary is real just like la llorona is real...if u believe in ghost then you should believe in bloody Mary...

  77. it is not real if you have faith in GOD and belive in jesus you cant be scared because there in your heart! GOD bless

  78. thats not real whats real is GOD and JESUS the devil does tricks to scare you

  79. The person mary was a real person but saying her name in a dark bathroom etc is not

  80. I think she is not real. My friend tried it but he said that nothing happened strange but find it very diffcult open his bathroom door.

  81. I think she is not real. My friend tried it but he said that nothing happened strange but find it very difficult to open his bathroom door.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. what ever you guys say cuz im in the middle. My friends tried it and they said they saw somthing. My other friend says she tried it and she saw nothing, she says its just your imagination.

  83. Hi Anonymous...How are you??? I bet your sexy... ;)

  84. Im good...Bra size??

  85. Double D....... why dya ask??

  86. IDK...wanna meet up?? im 9inches ;)))))

  87. O_O....I personally believe In bloody Mary and I personally also dont. Its curious to me and alot of people say dont do it. I am going to try it of course But Im not that scared. O_O whats more worse is that Im going to try it with my pussy neighbor boy in a abandoned house.....Wish me good luck....Actually wish the pussy neighbor boy good luck....XD Im not that scared for some random reason but I really do want to see her....

  88. its a load of crap. but could be true

  89. hey guys is bloody mary real

  90. all the ones that are may 15 are me

  91. whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

  92. since when is this a dating channel cmon guys

  93. i belive in bloody mary n candy man only but rest of them is a FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. i know right..........

  95. I love boobies :-)

  96. the legs are better then the boobs

  97. I will never try it

  98. this is raal i was in my room last night i closed my eyes whispered bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary oh come back bloody mary and spun 3 times i opened my eyes and a lady covered in blood was standing smiling a creepy smile at me

    1. she would of killed you if she was right there come on do you onestly think that any body would believe you if she was u would be dead and not talking about there right now and u have to be infront of a mirror and one more thing SHE ISNT REAL GET THIS THROW YOUR THINK HEAD SHES NOT REALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!11

  99. Hello People i'm going to tell you some stories about bloody Mary.... Get ready...
    one day i was with my friends and we were walking trow the door with shopping anyway we live alone i was making dinner because it was my turn i heard a bang and i went to see if every one was alright every was okay i told them dinner was ready and when i got back dinner was on the table we sat down and eat and there was bloody Mary herself eating dinner with us and then.......
    Reply if you want to hear more.

  100. did you see her or see try to kill you

    1. they tell me to try it at midnight that she come of the mirror that is scaring

  101. My friend told me that bloody mary was a girl in school, and she went in the bathroom and somebody locked her in, and she stayed there until she was old and she went crazy and got nails and smashed the bathroom mirror and she got sucked up in the mirror and died

  102. Guys bloody mary is real because my friend had no scratches on her face next day
    she did

  103. It seems true. Cuz i lost my best friend daniel. I really loved him.

  104. all these r fake guys these bloody mary dosent exist in d world

  105. I don't think anyone should say it is real or isn't real until someone on this page actually does it. You need:

    3 red candles
    spin around 3 times saying bloody mary
    and wait.

    You have to do it EXACTLY right or it probably won't happen. If it still doesn't happen, then comment with truth, not with your stupid belief that ghosts don't exist because you think so!

  106. hey someone talk to me

  107. bloody mary is not real and i do not know what nincompoop invented bloody mary but who ever did is stupid

  108. Bloody mary is real but that story of the girl trying to be murder so fake

  109. well to be honest whitt yall!!! idk if she is real or not but im not really worried about it though but really i wouldnt try it.

  110. wut are u tlking about lil girl

  111. bitchh dnt fool wit meh! plz dnt i was just tellin my honest opinion then u are gnna sit there and cll me a lil girl well hunn im a seniorr!!!

  112. Lmao! this is no fake!-.-
    dude, at least TRY to make the story sound real!

  113. thats bull ive done it lots of times and nothing happened

  114. she probaly is real u guys me and my friend both had expeinces me i was in the bathroom thinking bout school when i looked in the mirror it waz not my reflection i saw a girl with dark dark hair and a white torn up dress with blood all over and pale skin staring at me and my friend her expeirence was in school washing her hands and she looked in the mirror and saw a girl with jet black hair in a black torn dress with pale skin and blood comiming from her hair and sleeves

    1. wtf ever if your gonna lie atleast do a good job

  115. Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary... Ohhh I'm scared. Plz help me. WTF?

  116. idk i tryed this crap and it dont work so i call bs

  117. me and my friends did bloody marry and she came and she did somthing terrible!she took all my rubbers lol just kidding that stuffs FAKE

  118. hello anybody there i wanna talk to sombody im bored

  119. this crap is beyond me

  120. wow, that 'things' freaking me out! damn, luv it.

  121. Right.........
    So she lived for 60+ years and did not get old.

    That happens every once in a while

  122. She is real ive seen her I have five scraces on my face from her

  123. you guys know she is real

  124. you do know that she will kill you guys if you say her name :(

  125. the people who dont belivie in bloody mary havent even tried the mirror monster is REAL!!!!

  126. what the fuck is wrong with you. 'Bloody Mary was an evil queen of England called Mary Tudor. She was NOT a little girl that got stuck in a damn bathroom until she got sucked into the mirror and died.FYI, If you believe in BM she might come. It just depends who you are.


  128. Why would they lock her in the bathroom ?
