Sunday, July 4, 2010

Singapore's $1 Coin can Protect you

Myth/Story One(according to the old braggy man): As you've noticed,our MRTs are mostly underground compared to other countries since they've got enough land space to build tracks whereas we don't have as much as them. Underground,associated to Hell obviously. Thus,disturbing the sprits etc so it's bad for the nation & people(travelling via MRT since they are like passing "hell": or something :P ).Therefore,to ward them off,the best way is to use the Bagua. However,our leader obviously can't go around saying :"Hey! Everyone put a Bagua infront of your house Yeah!Ward of Evils yo!" (This sentence is purely made up by me,no insult mean't or is anyway related to the leader himself~). Obviously not everyone would do that since it sounds senseless and we've got ppl from other races who won't buy that story. So,to save us from the evil, the coin is thus introduced into that shape ^_^

Picture is (C) copyright to Gallant & Swanky

Quoted from the site: Remember the Asian Financial Crisis that happened back in 1997 which hit Singapore pretty badly?

It was said that MM Lee consulted a fengshui master about what he could do to improve the situation caused by the Asian Financial Crisis, and the fengshui master swiftly gave a solution, that is the change the way the back of the coin is designed.“The Singaporeans are already so upset over the financial crisis, yet the $1 coin still has a sad looking face. How can?!! Change change change!” he said.

And change we did. Take a look at the design on our 1997 coin.

[Click here to read full article]

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