Friday, July 30, 2010

South Korean Professor charged over Holy Water Device

SEOUL (AFP) – A South Korean medical professor who invented a digital device he claimed could transform tap water into holy water is facing fraud charges, Seoul police said Thursday.

Picture is (C) copyright to AFP/File/Noel Celis

They said the professor claimed to have digitally captured the supposed curative powers of holy water on devices that he sold to more than 5,000 people for a total profit of nearly 1.7 billion won (1.3 million dollars).

Eight other people including the professor’s wife and brother-in-law face charges for manufacturing and selling the devices, an officer heading the investigation told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Police said the 53-year-old professor claimed he obtained holy water from the shrine to the Virgin Mary at Lourdes — a world-famous Catholic pilgrimage site in France — and preserved its supposed healing powers in digital form.

[Click here to read full article]

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