Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A case of Cotard delusion: Train trauma: Kid believes he's dead

KOLKATA: Nearly a fortnight has passed since the Jnaneswari Express disaster and family members of many victims seem to have reconciled to their loss. The trauma for many who survived and witnessed the gruesome scenes of the aftermath, may just be beginning though.

Consider the case of seven-year-old Pinaki (name changed of request) who was travelling with his parents in the ill-fated train. The child survived unhurt but both parents were injured. After returning from hospital to their south Kolkata residence, the parents noticed a marked change in Pinaki.

"My son believes that he died in the accident. When we ask him to eat or sleep, he refuses to do so. He tells us that he has turned into a soul and requires no food or sleep. We think that this change came over him after he witnessed so much death and suffering."

"We are now waiting for his summer vacations to be over so that he can return to school and meet his friends. Maybe, he will get over the trauma," Pinaki's father said at the office set up by South Eastern Railway (SER) to deal with those seeking compensation.

[Click here to read full article]

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