Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cultures of Raising Ghost in Asia Countries

There are many countries in Asia with the culture of raising ghost child.
When you walk around in the street in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and other Asian countries, you will notice that many shop owners leave sweets and milk outside the shop.

There are many countries in Asia with the culture of raising ghost child.

When you walk around in the street in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and other Asian countries, you will notice that many shop owners leave sweets and milk outside the shop.

The sweets and milk are not for the cats and dogs. These are food for the ghost child.

Many parents understand the culture of raising ghost child. They caution their kids from taking the sweets and drinking the milk. They know that the angry ghost child will haunt their kids. Some kids suffer from persistent high fever as a result of eating the sweets.

No medication are strong enough to reduce the fever. Parents often have to bring the sick children to the temple or church for divine intervention.

There are rumors that the management of casinos in Asia keep many ghost children to protect the casinos. Many punters believe in these stories.

[Click here to read full article]

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