Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hungry Ghost Festival in Penang (Malaysia)

I have been reading articles and also hearing my friends talking about Malaysia’s tallest 大士爷 (Leader of All The Hungry Ghost). It is located at Bukit Mertajam market area. I have always wanted to pay a visit but had no chance until last Saturday. I was lost in getting to the exact place until I called a friend for guidance. It tooks me additional 1/2 hour to get to the place. Anyway, I am so glad when I managed to arrive to the destination.

The tallest hungry ghost leader is located next to a very old Chinese temple. In front of the temple there are Chinese opera stages setup for this festival.

This is the front entrance of the old-aged temple. However, the temple is so well-maintained where the colour of the dragon carvings still looks new on the pillar.

The stalls which sell various offerings look exactly like the one at Goddess of Mercy temple in Penang Island.

The wooden puppet looks like a kid where there are some cash notes in his pocket. I think by praying to this kid, he will bring prosperity to you.

Just beside the temple, we can see the Malaysia tallest 大士爷 (Leader of All The Hungry Ghost). Even it was afternoon time at 3pm there were still so many believers praying to the god.

The offerings presented by the believers.

This is only the beginning, there are more to come later at night.

This is the tallest 大士爷 (Leader of All The Hungry Ghost) in Malaysia. The purpose of building this hungry ghost leader is to take care and monitor of all the hungry ghosts there so that they will not bother with the people when they did their offering. This hungry ghost leader is made of paper and will be burnt off at the end of the 7th month.

The paper offerings and hell notes that will be burnt together with the hungry ghost leader.

[Click here to read full article]

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