Monday, August 16, 2010

Hungry Ghost Festival Taboos ( Fengshui Alerts)

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Hotel Taboos:
For those who are travelling, they may want to be cautious when staying in hotels. The hotel is considered as a "yin place" and is normally a favorite settlement for ghosts. The following are some tips that one can follow when staying in hotels to prevent ghostly encounters:

1. Provide a respectful knock on the bedroom door before you enter for the first time.
2. Avoid entering the room right away. Whisper to yourself that you are renting the room to stay temporarily, as a form of asking permission. Let any spirit leave the bedroom first before you enter.
3. Place your pair of shoes or sandals facing the door. The shoes must be away from the bed. One side of the shoe points to the door and the other side point inwards.
4. Display a glass of salt water next to your bed. Salt is an excellent antidote for dirty energy.
5. You are encouraged to flush the toilet bowl first before using it.
6. You are also encouraged to avoid wearing black or striking red colored clothings.
7. Normally there is a bible or quran in the drawers. Please avoid touching or moving them from their original positions.
8. Always keep the toilet's door closed with lights turned off when you go to sleep.
9. Try to avoid facing the mirror when you sleep. If the mirror is designed in this manner, try to cover it with a towel.
10. Avoid placing any shoe next to the bed when sleeping.
11. Watch out the mouth from mentioning anything about ghost. Ghost story telling must be avoided by all means.
12. Display a 7 Star Sword made from Peach wood. It must be made from "genuine peach wood" to be effective in chasing away ghosts and protecting one with a good night's sleep

Protection Required:
1. During the Ghost Festival, feng shui practitioners will display the Chung Kwei, the ghost catcher whose specialty is to devour the ghosts that he catches, in many areas of their homes. And at least one of the images must face the maindoor. This act serves to scare away any roving spirits from intruding the particular household. As such the whole family will be able to avoid ghost spells. For those who are travelling afar, going for late nights or regularly visit yin places, then the Chung Kwei amulet is an excellent protection.
2. It is also known that Fu Dogs are potent feng shui animals that when displayed at the maindoors or in its vicinity facing out would scare away bad wandering spirits and ghosts.
3. Wear protective amulets to prevent bad luck, ghost possessions and accidents due to ghost disturbances. One such powerful type of amulet that is currently very popular is the Mythical Bird Dzi. The mythical bird is associated to the Garuda, considered as an evil subduing bird in Tibetan Buddhism.
4. Taoist practitioners can choose to wear the powerful Kwan Kung for protection. No evil dares to fool around when the Kwan Kung is there.
5.For those who prefer crystals and natural stones, there are two types of stones that we will recommend that has strong energy to ward off evil spirits and scare them away: a. Tektite Meteorite that falls from outer space and possess strong and pure energy. b. Rainbow obsidian with the "third eye" which enables you to strengthen your resistance against evil energy. These stones normally go out of stock during this period every year. These are recommended especially for those who frequently travel outdoor and for kids, because they are whom more easily being targeted or harmed by suicide ghosts who are looking for chances to reincarnate.
6. Hang the 8 Auspicious Objects at chi entry points of your house such as windows to deflect away any evil energy. Also hang one of it in your car to prevent accidents. For taoist feng shui practitioners, you may opt for the Elliptical Coin and hang on the door knobs of all entries you want to protect. Some would even go for higher form of protection with the bagua hung above their maindoor.
7. Carry along, hang in the car or in the house the powerful Peach Wood 7-Stars Sword. It is the most indispensible tool for Taoist Exorcism from ancient times till today.
8. Families should burn at least a bunch of incense sticks in an empty can (cleanly washed from used food can) on the 14th day of 7th lunar month. This should be done after 7pm and the burning of the incense sticks are to be done outdoor, close to the main entrance.
[Click here to read full article]

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