Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Batutut - Crytids

The Batutut is a hominid of legend across Vietnam, Laos and Malaysia and was first sighted in1918 according to local history. Described as being covered from head to toe in hair with the exception of a leathery looking neck and a pot belly, the Batutut is said to be approximately 4 feet tall and sightings of female Batutut describe them as having extremely sagging breasts. Otherwise resembling a human the Batutut is said to walk more like an ape.

Some of the more credible accounts of for the existence of Batutut came between 1970 – early 80s’. John Mackinnon who is a very well known zoologist discovered what were described as footprints akin to that of a human but smaller and were located deep in the Malaysian rain forest. This was the first credible source and was dated 1970. Some time later in 1982 extremely similar footprints were discovered in Vietnam by a well known professor Tran Hong Viet, the Vietnamese call these Batutut ‘Orang Pendek’ which literally means ‘short man’.

In some of the more isolated villages of Sumatra locals claim to have even had close encounters with Batutut, in some cases even offering food and sharing moments watching as the Batutut would eat and speak in an unidentified dialect.

[Click here to read full article]

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