Friday, September 10, 2010

Eid ul-Fitr (د الفط)

This year on Spetember 10 is a special day to all Muslims around the world.
Asia Paranormal (AP) would like to first of all wish All Muslims a Happy Eid !

Picture is (C) copyright to Saikitshijie

The below following would some read up on this special day to all Muslims.

Different names

Hari Raya Puasa can be in simple terms defined as the New year of the Muslims on their Islamic calendar.

However this term, Hari Raya Puasa is a common name known only in Singapore and Malaysia. This day itself, has actually many names in different countries.

The actual name for it is called as Eid ul-Fitr (د الفط) in Arabic!

The below would be some names of this day in different places by different people.

Indonesia : Idul Fitri, Hari Lebaran
Malaysia : Hari Raya Puasa,
Singapore : Hari Raya Puasa,
Brunei : Hari Raya Puasa,
Tamil : Nonbu Perunaal (நோன்புப் பெருநாள் )
Javanese : iyoyo, Riyayan or Ngaidul Fitri
Sundanese : Boboran Siyam
Acehnese : Uroë Raya Puasa
Bangladesh : Rojar Eid or Shemai Eid
Turkic : Ramazan Bayram
Senegal : Sallah
Huasa : Kochnay Akhtar (کوچنی اختر)
Pashto : Eid-e Sa’eed-e Fitr
Urdu / Paskistan : Choti Eid
Malayalam : Cheriya Perunnal
Bosnian : Ramazanski Bajram, Eid
Albanian : Bajram
Kurdish : Cejna Remezanê
Croatian : Ramazanski Bajram
Chinese : Kai Zai Jie (开斋节)


What is Hari Raya Puasa ( Eid ul-Fitr (د الفط)) ?

To be more specific of exactly what this festival really is all about, this Festival itself, marks the end of Ramadanand it is therefore a Public holiday to all Muslims around the world. Ramadan is the 9th month of Islamic calendar which is the Islamic month of Fasting, in which muslims are to refrine from eating, drinking and sex from sunrise to sunset daily.

The reason for fasting is to teach Muslims on patience, humility and spirituality. They fast for the sake of God ( Allah) and they are to offer prayers than the usual. They would ask God for forgivness or thier past sins and seek for God’s guidance to help in their everyday life to refraine themselves from evil and have purification through self-restraints as well as good deeds.

To the Muslims, Ramadan is an auspicious month where which it would be the revelations of God to mankind .

On this day of Eid Ul Fitr (د الفط) , it is by God’s Command that they are to complete their Fast on the last day of Ramadan. After the completion of their fast, Muslims would have God’s praises , recited throught this period of EID ( the commonly abbreviation of Eid ul-Fitr).

How is it Celebrated ?

During this day, somewhat and somehow something similiar to Chinese New year in only certain aspects, Muslims would be waking up early to visit and greet family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.

The greetings can be different based on local languages and dialects of the different countries. In Arbic, their way of greeting one another would be Eid Mubārak which means Blessed Eid or it could also be Eid Sa‘eed that they would use which means Happy Eid.

In Turkey their greeting would be Bayramınız kutlu olsun which means may your Eid be happy. In Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore, it will be commonly be as Salamat Hari Raya Pussa.

During this day, Muslims would be told and encourage to forgive and forget others for any wrongs and mistakes done by others onto them as well as asking for forgiveness from others on whatever wrongs or mistakes done on their part onto others.

During this year, any differences or past animosities among one another should be chuck aside and to be forgotten and forgiven. May the beyond be the beyond and everything to be start afresh. It is about love , care and respect that should be emphasis on.

Like the Chinese, Muslims have wear new clothes during this day. Any clothes that are old should not be worn. It is only totally new clothes can be worn during this day.

During Eid, they forbidden to fast ! Hence they would have a small breakfast at home before leaving house.

During the exchange of greetings and visiting among themselves, there would be some small gifts given by the adults to the children which can be cards or a small of money in a packet known as the green packet which is similar to the Chinese except that to the Chinese it is Red packets but the ideal to it is pretty similar, somehow.

[Click here to read full article]

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