Thursday, September 30, 2010

Haunted House of Jurong (part 2)

This is based on a true story that happened when i was living in my old apartment in jurong…

My apartment was on the fourth floor and directly facing an eerie looking tree.(pls note that the tree was not the problem) When my family first shifted in, everything was ok and we love the place as it was a peaceful neighbourhood and we had a good time in the house.

Then it started, my sister was the first one to be affected by it. One night while sleeping she said that she felt someone waking her up. She told me that by instinct she went straight to the window and to her horror she found a figure without head was sitting on the swing at the playground (her room faces the playground and our hall faces the spooky tree). She just froze when suddenly the thing stops swinging as if it realises my sister was watching her. She then quickly snapped out of it and went to my mother’s room to sleep.The second incident happened to her was one day when she was watching tv with me late at night, she said she saw a white shadow dashing pass from my mother’s room to my room. As i’m not a believer of the supernatural, I just brushed it aside.

[Click here to read full article]

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