Friday, September 17, 2010

Living with a bullet in head for 64 years

A Chinese grandmother who went to hospital with a headache was found to have had a bullet in her head for 64 years.

Jin remembers that she was shot in 1943 during the Second World War by the invading Japanese army when she was taking supplies to her guerrilla father.

“I was 13, living along the railways in Xuzhou city. One afternoon in September, my mother asked me to take a meal to my father and his colleagues who were fighting the Japanese,” she said.

“I was spotted by the Japanese army. They ran after me and opened fire. A bullet passed through the corner of my right ear. I hit the ground and lost consciousness.”

The chief surgeon, who removed the rusty bullet, was amazed it had remained in her head for so long without causing major problems.

“The fact that the bullet lost strength and speed passing through another person, and that the point it struck is not vital, may explain her survival,” he said.
[Click here to read full article]

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