Saturday, September 11, 2010

Russian boy dies during exorcism by Korean shaman ( 러시아어 소년 한국의 무당에 의해 엑소시즘 도중 사망 ) (Русский мальчик умирает во время экзорцизма корейской шамана)

A four-year-old Russian boy with pneumonia died in the Primorye region during an exorcism after his parents told a Korean shaman to remove "evil spirits" from his body, multiple Russian news reports said Thursday.

The child, identified as Dmitry Kazachuk, stopped breathing during the ritual in the local village of Sergeyevka on Saturday, after the parents of the child asked So Dyavor and her Korean husband Kim Sende to perform a ritual to exorcise "evil spirits."

There was no trace of violence on the boy's body and that the cause of his death has not been found, according to news reports.

4세 러시아 소년 한국식 굿 도중 사망
페렴을 앓던 4세 러시아 소년이 러시아 프리모리에 지역에서 한국 무당에게 “악령”을 쫓아낸다는 굿을 받는 도중 사망 했다고 러시아 언론 매체들이 보도했다.

[Click here to read full article]

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