Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Singapore Military Camp Freaky Stories (part 1)

I was surely looking forward to joining the army, you see I am the “gung ho” type and I simply love army life. I was doing my BMT in a training school in the northern part of Singapore. I was posted to a very active company and even so my platoon was even so active. They were really expecting all of some to join the Commandos. I loved it. We had great relationship in the platoon especially within my section (Just for information: A Company is has about four Platoons, a Platoon is made up of three or four Sections and a Section has about twelve men). As soon as we got ourselves into the routine of everyday Army life, we started hearing stories of strange happenings within our company.

We heard that in the first platoon one of the guys sleeping in a bed was thrown onto the floor in the night and the metal cupboard beside that bed shakes and sounds of claws scratching for the inside could be heard. They decided not to use that bed and cupboard but the scratching sound could be heard on and off. Then we heard more incidents from the second platoon (the one next to mine: I was in the third platoon). One of them was going to the toilet one night and as he was there he saw a small boy with a ball asking him if he wants to play with him. He could not believe his eyes and rushed out and took cover in his bed. The fourth platoon was not spared too. As one of the guys was sleeping and he tossed about in his bed and as he turn himself to the face the other side, he saw the small boy looking at him. He freaked out and hid himself under the sheets until daybreak.

The next day we were off to our field camp and the news spread like wild fire. Bernard was sent to the hospital for a week. Then we tried to out together the events that took place. This is what happened before we all woke up. Voon my super weirdo (he was an artist, you know how artist are, right but he was a great mate) bunkmate was sewing something under a flashlight when the above incident took place. It was two in the morning and all of a sudden Bernard rose from his bed like they do in vampire movies. He appoarched Voon but he was staring right through him. Voon called Bernard but was not responding at all. That’s when Bernard started to scream. Voon was so freaked out that he did not trying waking us in the same bunk but dashed out to wake the guys in the fourth bunk.

[Click here to read full article]

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