Saturday, September 25, 2010

Singapore Military Camp Freaky Stories (part 2)

It is a well-known fact that Pulau Tekong has a number of ghosts. Some of you readers may have read or heard about the ghost at Charlie Company at the old basic military camp I. Unfortunately, some versions that I read or heard have been distorted over the years.

A few instructors returned to the site where he departed from this world, to offer incense and prayers. One instructor asked the late Tham not to come back and haunt us, but rather to express his last wishes in a dream so that his soul could rest in peace after his wishes were fulfilled.

But Tham did not listen.

Incident 1: One of the instructors came to the Platoon 9 bunk to remove his personal effects. When he opened up his metal cupboard, there was a foul stench from inside that could not be explained.

Incident 2: In the dead of the night, some trainees of Charlie Company heard Tham’s voice shouting for the platoon or company to fall in at the common company compound.

Incident 3 (more scary): One of the platoon 9 section mates woke up in the middle of the night and saw the white figure of Tham’s ghost standing in front of his former cupboard ! He bolted to the next double-decker bed, grabbed to share his blanket and said “ghost!” The next morning, the platoon mates could see two trainees pale and ashened by the encounter.

Incident 4: During one of the subsequent route marches (by Golf Company), the company noticed a figure of a soldier in full battle order standing in the distance among some trees. The OC (a former Commando Captain) dashed forward to take a closer look. He quickly ordered the whole company to double past without slowing down to see what he saw. Subsequent route marches were diverted to avoid that area of sighting

[Click here to read full article]

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