Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Naked man 'devil' sparks mass self-defenestration in France ("Diable" homme nu étincelles de masse auto-défenestration en France)

PARIS — Eleven people were injured when they jumped out of a second-storey window near Paris early Saturday, thinking a naked man tending his crying baby in the night was the devil, the local prosecutor said.

"Thirteen people were in an apartment on the second floor when, around 3 am, one of the occupants heard his child crying," the deputy prosecutor in Versailles, Odile Faivre, told AFP.

"The man in question of African origin, who was completely naked, got up to feed his child, at which point the other occupants took him for the devil," said Faivre.

"He was seriously wounded in the hand after being stabbed with a knife before he was thrown out of the apartment, via the door."

[Click here to read full article]

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