Monday, October 18, 2010

The Replacement Body

This incident all started when my friend’s aunt’s husband (let’s call him Ah Huat for the story’s sake) met a long time friend by the roadside and had gracefully offered his friend a lift home in his car. And this was when things started going awfully wrong.

You see, Ah Huat’s friend was staying in a low cost rented apartment which is infamous for its supernatural sightings. In past, developers had tried to renovate and revive the building located at exactly where this low cost apartment was but somehow this particular building just wouldn’t profitably prospers. There were even cases where bad omen happened to the people who had tried to revive the building. In the end, the building had no other option but to indiscreetly turn into a low cost flat catered for low income people to rent.

Back to the story, Ah Huat had given a lift to his friend to this apartment and since both of them had not seen each other in a long time, his friend had invited him to his flat for a drink and for some past-time chit chats.

Upon entering his friend’s flat, Ah Huat felt very uneasy to a point where he felt mild dizziness and even imagined the floor surface wobbling. As Ah Huat felt something amiss, he politely excused himself to leave his friend’s house. While leaving his friend’s flat and entering into the lift, he felt the lift he was taking shook and the force going down was as if it was pulling him down as well. When Ah Huat later reached back to his home apartment, he told his wife about the uneasiness feeling he had after sending back his long time friend to his flat.

[Click here to read full article]

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