Thursday, October 14, 2010

UFO Saves Family From House Fire

When we look at stories of UFO sightings, generally the objects themselves and whatever unknown occupants within seem to appear mysteriously, interact in ways that may have only an indirect effect on their lives, and simply disappear with no real explanation. But in an incident reported recently to MUFON, a UFO appeared weeks in advance and again to save the entire family from a fire consuming their house.

The report was made regarding an incident which took place in 2008 in Columbia South Carolina, but has remained secret until now when the witnesses are finally deciding to release their story. it all began on January 28th in 2008 when the family's daughter witnessed a cigar shaped object hovering above the trees at her school. When she came home she told her mother about the incident, and neither knew what to make of it. Exactly one week later the family's son would notice the same cigar shaped object hovering above the house silently before finally vanishing. Once again the report would be made to the parents who would be still hapless about what the sighting meant.

[Click here to read full article]

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