Tuesday, October 19, 2010

US Air Force Aircraft Identification Chart

by Joan Seth

This is a tongue in cheek image issued by supposedly the USAF. It is used to identify various forms of aerial objects.

In the first row, we see what appears to be fighter jets and bombers. The last object on the right appears to be some sort of rocket.

In the second row are what looks like some sort of balloon device, and other weird looking aircraft.

The last row are definitely objects which might conform to the general perception of what alien spacecraft look like. The last object, however, seems to be some sort of stealth aircraft.

Overall, this image sums it all up. Traditionally, the authorities have been accused of covering up UFO sightings and issuing official 'explanations' which often do not offer any conclusion and are just grossly misinterpreted versions of the contrary.

Reliable eyewitnesses sightings are often taken out of context, and usually referred to as some everyday common object. Here, the objects are unrealistically stated as either a 'weather balloon' or 'swamp gas'. The only 1 object referred to as 'swamp gas' is an actual weather balloon, as there are no other better descriptions available.

How long does this have to go on before we, as the general public, are given the truth? Thousands and thousands of sightings are made every year. Eliminating the hoaxes and clear misidentification, there are still hundreds of sightings which we cannot rule out positively as yet. Is this meant to be taken that there are hundreds of weather balloons flying around the world at any one time? Or is swamp gas a more worldwide phenomenon as previously thought?

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