Friday, November 19, 2010

Bigfoot's Many Cousins

By Chris Capps

When recently looking over a list of proposed and suspected cryptids, I was once again amazed at how many of them appear to be listed as primates or apelike. Is there reason folk stories so commonly tell tales of mysterious apelike creatures even in regions where no such creatures (or anything even resembling them) are said to exist? Is there a cultural niche such a legend fills in societies? Or is there another reason so many report seeing strange hairy creatures living in the wild that seem in their own way almost human?

The idea of Bigfoot or Sasquatch is fairly interesting on its own. The idea of a creature that could have escaped scientific scrutiny when so many other creatures have been labeled and categorized is a legend that has endured numerous scientific attempts to discredit it.

[Click here to read full article]

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