Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boo! Chinese & European Monsters Strangely, Eerily Similar

There's something inside us that loves a good monster. We want them scary. We want them surprising.

But apparently not too surprising. Across time and across cultures, our monsters come in strangely predictable forms.

Take, for example, these guys:

This is a Five Monster Collection from a 2000 year old text. Back in the first century, AD, Pliny the Elder, a great Roman scholar, collected descriptions of creatures who lived at the very edge of the known world. Sailors claimed to have seen them. Travelers too. They'd shown up in folktales. They didn’t look like Europeans because they lived far enough away that it was ok to look — well, like anything one could imagine. So here’s what Europeans imagined way back then (courtesy of Toby Lester, from his enchanting book The Fourth Part of the World):

[Click here to read full article]

1 comment:

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