Friday, November 12, 2010

How do places become haunted?

We all know that haunted places exist. That chill along your spine, the feeling of dread, and sudden drop in temperature are all physical signs that you experience in a haunted locale.

However, how do places become this way? Some very famously haunted places have well known ghostly residents who have extensive stories about why their spirits linger in a particular place—such as a person who was wrongfully tortured into death or deeply betrayed by a dear friend or loved one that resulted in death.

Many places tend to naturally draw ghosts simply because of what they are and what naturally happens in those places, meaning that prisons, hotels, and of course cemeteries are favorite haunting areas for the departed who have not fully moved on.

Yet, some of the most common places that are haunted may not have such a specific story or might be just a seemingly random house. Where do these spirits come from and most importantly how do they make certain places their base of operations for haunting the living?

[Click here to read full article]

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