Saturday, November 20, 2010

UFO in Singapore

Contributed by a reader to Coast to Coast AM

Copyright to Graceful Image Photography

6/27/2010 - I was up on the top of the Sands Hotel taking pictures of the city and I thought I would get a picture of the Singapore Harbor before it got too dark. That is when I noticed a black dot in my picture. I zoomed in on the object and took about 5 pictures at 300mm then took a couple more with it over the harbor for comparison. I walked over to another photographer that had a larger lens and ask him to see if he could get closer. He told me that it was a UFO and he has a bunch of pictures of them and sees them all the time. This photo is at 200mm and the insert is at 400 times view at 300mm. I turned to get a few more pictures of it and it was gone.

[Click here to read full article]

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