Thursday, November 4, 2010

Update on Chinese Village Disappearance

Asia Paranormal: Previous topic link

China Radio report:

October 10th at ten o’clock, Xianyang many people, and they saw in the sky several unknown luminous body in constant rotation, but can not find the light source, and everyone felt very strange.

Xianyang reporters into the sky to see the two circular rotating in constant light, white light has been given, and everyone said that this phenomenon has been going on for a very long time.

Xianyang people: PM seems to have a more than eight, has been staggered forward. Have passed since the nearly two hours, until ten at night and more, there are still many people standing outside watching, and everyone that had never seen such a phenomenon.

Xianyang people: I thought it was a light shot back and forth.

Although we have such a speculation, but can not find the spot of the lamp posts and the light source, with all of these questions, journalists can start driving in urban areas trying to find the source of light, the last reporter in Xianyang City Bank Thai Square to find the answer.

[Click here to read full article]

1 comment:

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