Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Baba Vanga Predictions: November 2010 World War III

According to Baba Vanga the world will end in 5079. However, she, Nostradamus and others have a lot to say about what will happen in the meantime. Among their numerous prophecies is that in November 2010 World War III will begin. Read more about Baba Vanga predictions, see her photo and a video below.

Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva Dimitrova was born in Petrich, Bulgaria, the Rupite area in the Kozhuh Mountains of Bulgaria on January 31, 1911 and died there on August 11, 1996. She was also known as Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, Vangelia Gushterova and most commonly as Baba Vanga. She lost her eye-sight when she was 12-years-old after being swept away by a tornado. She was found alive, but blinded. She said it was then that she received her ‘gift’. When she was 16-years-old she began making prophecies and quickly became famous because of the accuracy of her predictions. People from around the world sought her out seeing insight into the future, including Adolf Hitler is said to not have liked what she told him.

Among her predictions is that World War III will start in early November 2010 and last until October 2014. According to her prophesy, the war will start out like any other war, but quickly escalate into chemical and nuclear warfare that will have devastating consequences on the Earth and people for years to follow.

[Click here to read full article]

1 comment:

  1. November already is over... where is the war? Perhaps the Korean war?
